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   Supralateral arc II

The England 9th February '01 display from the University of Birmingham.

The display had faded somewhat when Ant Veal et.al. captured this all-sky view at 12.35 UTC.

The supralateral arc stretches from near to the zenith right down to the campus clock tower at left.

Simulations of the supralateral arc and a 46� halo overlie the image below. They show how difficult it can be to distinguish between them.

Image �Ant Veal et. al., reproduced with permission.

Superimposed simulation

Red spots trace supralateral and upper tangent arcs from horizontal column crystals.

Blue spots trace 46� and 22� circular halos formed by poorly oriented crystals.

Green spots mark the parhelic circle - plate crystals.

Grey dashes are the simulation horizon (the camera was tilted slightly from the zenith).