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   Nacreous Cloud Video

Dawn Nacreous Clouds SE Norway

Arne Danielsen (astrophotography and atmospheric phenomena) writes:
"On January 31st 2005 a very strong display of nacreous clouds could be seen from Southern Norway. I noticed the colorful clouds as soon as I woke up that morning and immediately mounted my camera on a tripod and started shooting a sequence of images from my apartment balcony some 20km South of Oslo. The first image was shot at 07:52 local time (06:52UT) and I intended to shoot 2 images per minutes until the clouds disappeared. However, after almost 2 hours the clouds were still very bright, but I really had to leave for work and regrettably had to end the sequence at 09:47 (08:47UT) after 231 exposures.

I could easily follow the clouds as I was taking the train into Oslo. Every hour or so I checked the sky and the clouds could be seen all through the day. The clouds started to become much brighter and more colorful as the Sun started to set and I grabbed my camera and went down to the dock to shoot a few more images."

Arne compiled the time-lapse video (4.9MB) from reduced size versions of his 231 dawn images taken 30s apart. The 15 fps animation effectively speeds up the cloud evolution by 450X.

Watch the wave motion of the clouds and how the iridescent regions stay relatively stationary.
  ©2005 Arne Danielsen, shown with permission