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   Keep a notebook 

Paris notes
  Take a few notes. Record by Matthew Paris of the 'Wonder in the Sky' halo display of 1233.
If a display is at all unusual, make a record of what halos were present.

Note any colours. Always write down the date, time and the display duration otherwise the all important altitude of the sun cannot be calculated afterwards. Sketch the display, marking which parts of the sky were covered with cirrus and where the lower clouds were that might have obscured other halo arcs. A sketch really is worth a thousand words.

If possible, take photographs. But be sure to make careful notes and sketches as well. But don't turn it all into a misery, take most time enjoying and looking at the display, absorbing its atmosphere and mystery.

When reporting observations, send your time zone and latitude and longitude so that the solar altitude can be calculated. This is essential for simulating the display and identifying (or not!) unusual halos.

It's not a bad habit to record all halos - even the commonplace ones. The discipline of taking notes helps observations immeasurably and reduces the chances of a rare halo being missed. The notebook is invaluable for researching the display afterwards.