parhelia, are formed by plate crystals high
in the cirrus clouds that occur world-wide. In cold climates the
plates can also be in ground level as diamond
The plates drift and float gently downwards with their large hexagonal
faces almost horizontal. Rays
that eventually contribute their glint to a sundog enter
a side face and leave through another inclined 60° to
the first. The two refractions deviate the ray by 22° or
more depending on the ray's initial angle of incidence
when it enters the crystal. The condition where the internal ray
crossing the crystal is parallel to an adjacent face gives the
minimum deviation of about 22°.
Red light is refracted less strongly
than blue and the inner, sunward, edges of sundogs are therefore
red hued.
Rays passing through plates crystals in other ways form
a variety of halos.
When the sun is relatively high,
rays cannot pass through the crystal unless they are channeled
by being internally reflected from the upper and lower basal (large
hexagonal) faces. The skewed angle of incidence also causes the
ray deviation to increase and high sun sundogs are farther from
the sun.
Plate crystals rarely float exactly horizontal, they wobble and the
wobble increases with crystal size. Wobbly plates produce tall
sundogs and in the more extreme cases the distinction between
a tall sundog and fragments of a 22° halo becomes somewhat arbitrary.