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   Where to find fogbows 

   Morning fogbow, Ohio.

Fogbows are almost as large as rainbows but much broader.

Like rainbows they are always opposite the sun.

The shadow of photographer Michael Ellestad (atmospheric optics site) is at the antisolar point and the centre of the bow.

Image ©2004 Michael Ellestad.

On hills, mountains and in cold sea mists are where you will most often see a fogbow. But as the image shows, they can be found anywhere provided there is thin fog and fairly bright sunshine.

Search when the sun breaks through mist or fog. Look away from the sun and at an angle of 35-40° from your shadow which marks the direction of the antisolar point. Some fogbows have very low contrast so look for small brightenings in the misty background. Once caught, they are unmistakable.
The sun must be less than 30 - 40° high unless you are on a hill or high up on a ship where the mist and fogbow can be viewed from above.

Fogbows are huge, almost as large as a rainbow and much much broader.

Finally, check for a glory at the bow's centre. Glories, fogbows and coronae are all manifestations of the same light scattering process.