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All moonbows are special - what is extra special about this one by moonbow collector Martin McKenna (more moonbows) imaged in Northern Ireland on November 20th?

The moon's phase.   It was past 3rd quarter and only 7days 14h from the next new moon.    "I just caught the faintest Moonbow I have ever seen.. ..It had no colour with the naked eye but was produced by a very weak last 1/4 Moon. I was surprised to see one at all with that moon phase."

Moonbows are so rare because they need a bright moon, the closer to full the better. They also need a combination of the moon fairly low, a dark sky and, of course, a rain shower opposite.

Martin's bow so far from a full moon is likely a record.

Some time spent with a planetarium program will show where and when a bow further from a full moon and made by rain might be captured. Send challenge entries to OpticsPOD!

In the meantime, here are a few of Martin's earlier bows.

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