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Atmospheric Phenomena

Their Origin, Observation & Photography

A new book by Jari Luomanen

Three ingredients combined to make this book.   Finland is perhaps the planet’s best location for many atmospheric optics effects.   Jari Luomanen is an expert in them and an avid observer. He often makes long trips to the frozen north followed by hours waiting for just the right conditions.   Thirdly, he is a perfectionist photographer.

This is not just a blow-by-blow account of atmospheric optics and effects from ground halos to rainbows and halos to lightning, sprites, high clouds and beyond. It is more personal and lavishly illustrated with his own achingly beautiful photographs, never overstated and stamped with his personal vision.  

There are valuable ‘how to’ accounts on observation, photographic and post processing methods including the latest techniques.

In Finnish. Hardback 220 x 185mm 226pp.

Buy it from URSA, the publisher